Our world is being jolted with the pandemic spread of Covid-19. The intensity of fear and concern seems to be growing, as we begin to see the path of this disease here in the United States. Not only is there a tremendous concern to our overall physical health, many are already feeling the economic impact the virus is having. Just last week, a record 3.3 million Americans filed for unemployment.

The vast majority of us have never experienced anything so far reaching that changes the “normal” of our everyday life. And while I’m confident we’ll get through this, and a new “normal” will emerge, there’s no doubt some things we have already learned.

All In This Together

When it comes to business and commerce, we are living a real-time example of how important it is to have an online presence. Our social media feeds are filled with artists playing music to entertain us at home, doctors telling us how to protect ourselves, and more. People are using the internet to communicate and stay connected like never before! Live feeds have exploded over the last few weeks on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. What is already thought to be the next Instagram sensation, people are flocking to TikTok to share video content from quarantine.

A Long Road Ahead

Brick and mortar businesses continue to be shut down due to the virus, in order to comply with social distancing. It looks like a long road ahead for many, especially depending on how long this continues. Some of these businesses will not survive this. But whether you are a business, individual, or personality, a well developed online presence allows your message, products, and stories to continue to reach people, even during these times.  

Bringing Hope

Not only does your “voice” continue to go out in times like this, but there is something even more significant about the communication you have with your audience: It brings hope and a sense of connectedness during this difficult time. 

Time to Reconsider

We are proud to work with our clients, knowing that no matter their niche, they’re shaping the world. The work put into developing their online presence allows them to share their work, products, skills, passion, knowledge, and expertise. 

If you or your business are struggling to communicate with your audience during this time, maybe it’s time to reconsider the importance of your online presence going forward. The importance of it is only going to continue, even in the new “normal” times that lie ahead.  

Wherever you are on the journey of life and business today, stay safe and healthy. Keep going, the world needs you, and your voice!

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